Rev. Tom BarlowRev. Dr. Tom Barlow is an Ordained Elder in the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is appointed as Term Assistant Professor in Methodist Studies at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado.

Dr. Barlow holds a B.S. in Organizational Management from Colorado Christian University, an M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Religious and Theological Studies from the University of Denver and the Iliff School of Theology.

His scholarly work focuses on Paul Tillich and John Wesley, with particular attention to their understandings of the dynamics of divine grace and the ways that we are drawn to restore relationship with God.

He has also worked with churches and faith-based non-profits on leadership and vision. He was one of six researchers in the Toward Vitality project, which examined the common traits of vibrant, engaging United Methodist churches across the United States. 

He presently lives in the Denver area with his wife, Kirsten, who is also an Ordained Elder serving in parish ministry. Kirsten and Tom are the proud leaders of a pack which includes several energetic Shelties.

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