Recently, I was searching the various official UMC sites for the text of the membership vows. Lo and behold, I couldn’t find them anywhere; there were downloads about membership, snippets from the Discipline (par. 217, by the way), and things like that – but no quickly accessible (and copyable) text. I did find other variations, by the way, but for those looking for a version that contains the core language from the Discipline – at least to work from – here is the version I have been using:

  • On behalf of the whole Church, I ask you:
    Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness,
    reject the evil powers of the world, and repent of your sin?
    I do.
  • Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you
    to resist evil, injustice, and oppression
    in whatever forms they present themselves?
    I do.
  • Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Savior,
    put your whole trust in his grace,
    and promise to serve him as your Lord,
    in union with the Church which Christ has opened
    to people of all ages, nations and races?
    I do.
    Do you, as Christ’s body, the Church,
    reaffirm both your rejection of sin
    and your commitment to Christ?
    We do.
  • The pastor addresses all those transferring their membership into the United Methodist Church:
    As members of Christ’s universal Church,
    will you be loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church,
    and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries?
    I will.